Photographer Jim Nicholls in Cuba

Enjoy this taste of the evocative work of Jim Nicholls, from his recent trip to Cuba. The moody portraits tell a warm and inviting story.

Jim describes his reactions to the experience best:

"Cuba - a quiet and easy place. Little traffic so most travel on foot. We see the old cars and even imagine our own lives transported back to those days of ease.

The people are easy and free. At night it's fun to walk. The dancers are ballet dancers of the Cuba Ballet. The man sitting on the curb reminds me of the American depression of the 30's. There is dignity  beneath everyone here. Who is rich and who is poor? Are we not brothers and sisters?

It is a serenity I feel the most. Perhaps it comes from an identity and loyalty they have. There is no hustle there as one gets elsewhere.

So the old cars are part of the experience, not just as a living showroom. They are symbols of what we left behind in life in our own worlds here."

You can see more of Jim's work at

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